Wanted a really simple way to help tracking progress of students and ensure students can track their own progress. Students would want to do activity but had to find the teacher to get their feedback. Students wanted to know straight away what they had achieved. Tried various methods, used Evernote, but was confused at times. Looked at box and Dropbox. Issue we faced was due to staff having iPads, was not simple to upload feedback. Google docs combined with google drive seemed to give a simple solution. Created one BTEC account with all the files in that were shared with all the staff. Staff then modified their own files and shared these with the students. Students needed to create a google account but in most cases they already had them. Students could now see the feedback given as soon as it was completed and could act on it straight away. They could also view their progress on the course and what was missing. This soon progressed to include the whole course going on google drive. Our assignments and internal verification is all stored and shared in the same way amongst staff. This created a real transparency in the course and allowed for constant moderation ensuring standards of marking and staff development were kept high. Staff could see each others marking, which in turn makes the course more rigorous